Saxon Court Residents' Committee
AGM minutes
Committee minutes
Committee remit
1. Constitutional position
Everything within the perimeter of the Saxon Court development is owned freehold by the Saxon Court Management Company.
Flats are owned leasehold from the Management Company. Bungalows are owned freehold.
Interior and exterior areas apart from flats and bungalows within the perimeter of Saxon Court are jointly owned by leaseholders and freeholders, who constitute the Management Company.
The interests of the Management Company are represented by the Residents' Committee.
Members of the Residents' Committee are Directors of the Management Company.
The Chairman of the Residents' Committee is appointed by the Annual General Meeting of the Management Company.
Exclusive Property Management Limited (EPM) manages all aspects of Saxon Court administration and maintenance on behalf of the Residents' Committee. The Director of EPM is a member of the Residents' Committee, though without any ownership interest in Saxon Court.
2. Remit
Identification and discussion of matters relating to proper maintenance of buildings and grounds.
Oversight of expenditure relating to this maintenance and to administrative matters such as preparation of accounts and insurance.
3. Procedures
The Residents' Committee meets at least once per year, and more often if required.
Minutes of Committee meetings are published on the Saxon Court website. Freeholders unable to access the website are provided with paper copies on the Minutes.
Matters identified by the Residents' Committee as requiring action by EPM are communicated to EPM by the Chairman of the Committee.
With respect to provision of services mandated by EPM, the default position is that the Committee should continue to draw on EPM's extensive experience in provision of reliable and cost-effective contractors. The Committee does, however, reserve the right to obtain its own quotations, which are then discussed with EPM. Procurement of quotations and services are regulated by legal statute, whose provisions are available from EPM in the interests of transparency.