Saxon Court Residents' Committee: minutes of meeting on 9 June 2021
In attendance: Hamed Bybordi, Alan Millard, Hermann Moisl (chairman), Liz Robson, Dragan Todorovic

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

The most recent meeting of the Committee was on 4 February 2021. Minutes are available at, and were adopted.

2. Matters arising from minutes of the most recent meeting

i. It was noted that work on repair of the balconies and exterior painting had not yet begun. The chairman noted that EPM had been reminded of this fairly recently, and it was decided to postpone a further reminder for a month.

ii. There has been no further progress on the roof survey. This issue is due to be taken up once the various other matters itemized below have been resolved.

3. Matters for report

i, The replacement garden gate for the flat 7 - 12 block is in place, and installation will be finalized shortly. The gate for the other block will be made an installed in the course of the summer.

ii. The Committee thanked Hamed Bybordi and Hermann Moisl for necessary repairs to the bin store.

4. Agenda items

i. Carpet renewal

Quotations for replacement of the carpets in both blocks, attached as Document A and Document B, were discussed. Selection of type of carpet was guided by advice from contractors with respect to durability and ease of cleaning. There was some disagreement on colour, so it was decided to consult residents via email with pictures of sample colours. Liz Robson agreed to engage the selected contractor.

ii. Woodwork renewal

Quotations for repair / replacement and refinishing of woodwork, attached as Document C, Document D, and Document E, were discussed: repair of fence posts in the back garden, replacement of fence panels beside the flat 7 - 12 block, and replacement of rotten wood in the bin store. It was noted that the bin store would need complete replacement in the not too distant future. Dragan Todorovic agreed to engage the selected contractor.

iii. Use of balconies

It was resolved that residents be reminded of the following:

A proposal was received for installation of a permanent balcony awning. This was refused on the grounds that it would contravene the deeds and would compromise the uniformity of appearance of the block frontage.

iv. Any other business

Hermann Moisl
